Control strips
Use the control strip holder supplied with the equipment. Load control strip for processing in a dark room or dark bag.
Feel for a notch on the control strip edge. The notch identifies each strip. Cut the film at the notch.
Strips are supplied individually cut.
Instructions for mailing Control Strips
- Process paper and film control strips at least twice/week. More frequently if you encounter quality problems.
- Cut the strips to fit the envelope*, do not fold.
- Mail the strips immediately to ensure timely feedback.
- Record the date of processing using marker pen on the control strips.
- Stamp the envelope back with your shop stamp or write the name on the back so we know where the strips come from.
Information we need to setup the service for you
Include this in the first mailing:
- Phone number.
- Email address to receive reports.
- Equipment details: Brand and model number.
- Contact name of person(s) who operate the photo equipment.
- Manager’s name.
- Reference strips and correction factors.These need to be sent each time you receive a new code. We will return these if you need them.
*Cutting strips to fit envelope
Do not cut into the area within the blue rectangle: